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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

In a Ditch

Painting: The Good Samaritan by Asian Artist He Qi
"Good energy," as my sister-in-law would say, has a life of its own, and last night it kept nine members of the spirituality group laughing and talking even after we had left the dinner table. Having moved into the living room, we presented a challenge to Noreen, the one who was charged with leading the unruly bunch in prayer and reflection.

I looked around the room and silently gave thanks for each person. We have been gathering once a month for seven years, committed to companioning one another as we move through life's joys and sorrows. Years ago we christened our gathering place "Sabbath House" because it provided a safe place of rest, renewal, and prayer, things I crave these days as I scrabble through a particularly thorny patch. Read More 
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